What is


What is

Umbilical Cord Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Banking

CordMSCs® are Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) that can be found in the Wharton’s Jelly (soft connective tissues that is found in the umbilical cord, which protects the blood vessel within the umbilical cord from compression and reduces stress to the baby) of the umbilical cord. It is the youngest and most primitive source of MSCs that can be obtained from a human body. It has the ability to differentiate into bone, heart, nerve, cornea, fat and cartilage cells, and has been used for repairs of these organs.

Amazing Potential

Huge Possibilities of CordMSCs

MSCs are being widely studied through research and clinical trials globally. Till date, more than 74,349* articles are published in PubMed with MSCs as the main subject. 832* clinical trials are ongoing to demonstrate it’s medical potential.1

MSCs have the ability to modulate the immune system of the patient. It also promotes cell growth and differentiates into various specialised cells. The potential of MSCs has been expanded into a wider scope of diseases such as 2,3:

  • Heart Disease4
  • Diabetes2,3
  • Alzheimer’s Disease2,3
  • Liver Cirrhosis2,3
  • Retinal Disease5
  • Spinal Cord Injury2,3
  • Chronic Wounds2,3
  • Graft Versus Host Disease2,3
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis2,3
  • Cardiomyopathy2,3

• Heart Disease4
• Diabetes2,3
• Alzheimer’s Disease2,3
• Liver Cirrhosis2,3
• Retinal Disease5
• Spinal Cord Injury2,3
• Chronic Wounds2,3
• Graft Versus Host Disease2,3
• Rheumatoid Arthritis2,3
• Cardiomyopathy2,3

MSCs transplantation does not require HLA matching. However, it is highly preferred and recommended that the source comes from a family member.


  1. Parentsguidecordblood.org. (2017). News. [online] Available at:
    https://parentsguidecordblood.org/en/news/storage-mesenchymal-stemstromal-cells-family-stemcell-bankswhat-do-they-offer [Accessed 22 Dec. 2017].
  2. R.C. Schugar, S.M. Chirieleison, K.E. Wescoe, B.T. Schmidt, Y. Askew, J.J. Nance, J.M. Evron, B. Peault, and B.M. Deasy, High harvest yield, high expansion, and phenotype stability of CD146 mesenchymal stromal cells from whole primitive human umbilical cord tissue J. Biomed. Biotechnol. 2009:789526, Jan. 2009
  3. R.R. Taghizadeh, K.J. Cetrulo, and C.L. Cetrulo, Wharton’s Jelly stem cells: future clinical applications Placenta, 32(4):S311-5, Oct. 2011.
  4. Wang H-S, et al. Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Wharton’s Jelly of the Human Umbilical Cord. Stem Cells.2004:22; 1330-1337.
  5. Lund RD, et al. Cells Isolated from Umbilical Cord Tissue Rescue Photoreceptors and Visual Functions in a Rodent Model of Retinal Disease. Stem Cells. 2007:25;602-611

    *Accessed on 30th July 2021 via Pubmed

Collection, Processing, Storage

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Storage

Collection, processing and storage of MSCs from umbilical cord is easy, painless and causes no complication to the delivery process.

  1. Upon delivery, the umbilical cord is collected and sent to the laboratory for processing.
  2. The umbilical cord is cleaned.
  3. The umbilical cord is then selected and cut.
  4. The umbilical cord tissue is subjected to cellular dissociation to isolate the MSCs.
  5. Isolated MSCs are then expanded to the required number of cells.
  6. After a series of quality check, MSCs are then finally stored in a vapour phase liquid nitrogen storage tank under the temperature of -190ºC.